Constitution Week

August 28th, 2016

During Constitution Week (September 17 to 23) DAR chapters across the country will ask their City and Town Councils, State Legislators, Governors and Federal Congressmen to support the celebration of this key governing document by issuing a proclamation. Notice of these public proclamations is published in newspapers and shared with schools to ensure the importance of our […]


Chapter Officers

August 28th, 2016

Regent – Denise Clemons Vice Regent – Kathy Lindemer Chaplain – Vickie Dawes Recording Secretary – Frances O’Reilly Corresponding Secretary – Patty Haas Treasurer – Jane Patchell Registrar – Kristin Jones Historian – Barbara Schaut Librarian – Nancy Curling


Home of the Brave

August 28th, 2016

The Hone of the Brave in Milford, Delaware offers room and board, as well as supportive services, to homeless veterans. They are given training and encouragement to find employment, with the ultimate goal of self-sufficiency. When they leave, they are supplied with many of the necessary items to furnish their new dwelling. We have delivered […]